We offer blood cells in various packages:
Erythrocyte concentrate
In bags of around 300 ml
Item 92050: erythrocyte concentrate, blood group not specified
Item 92051: erythrocyte concentrate of a specific blood group (ABO/Rh)
Item 92052: erythrocyte concentrate with additional blood group specification
- The anticoagulant used is always CPD (citrate-phosphate-dextrose).
- The material is tested in accordance with SRC guidelines.
- When used for research purposes, the material is anonymised and can no longer be traced.

Buffy coat
Item 92020, in bags of around 50 ml
- A buffy coat always also contains residue from blood plasma, red blood cells and platelets.
- The anticoagulant used is always CPD (citrate-phosphate-dextrose).
- The material is supplied untested.
- When used for research purposes the material is anonymised and can no longer be traced.

Platelet concentrate, pooled
Item 92030, in bags of 150–300 ml
- Manufactured from five buffy coats from different donors.
- The anticoagulant used is always CPD (citrate-phosphate-dextrose).
- The material is tested in accordance with SRC guidelines.
- When used for research purposes, the material is anonymised and can no longer be traced.

Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells (PBMCs)
Item 92025, in 1 ml aliquots containing 10e7 cells
- Isolated in accordance with an automated standard work protocol.
- The cells are not tagged during isolation (i.e. they are untouched).
- Cells are isolated using the density-gradient-free method.
- The cells are frozen at –80°C in DSMO.
- The cells are delivered tested (according to SRK guidelines) and anonymized.