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We successfully collaborate with universities, private research institutions and diagnostic companies. We strive to provide surveillance and monitoring of transfusion-transmitted infectious diseases in the context of the One Health approach.



PhD Mauro Serrichio

Head of R&D Diagnostics Infection Marker


Publications Infection Marker

  • Inborn errors of type I interferon immunity in patients with symptomatic acute hepatitis E

    Saadat A, Gouttenoire J, Ripellino P, Semela D, Amar S, Frey BM, Fontana S, Mdawar-Bailly E, Moradpour D, Fellay J, Fraga M; HEV Human Genetics Collaborators  (Badini G, Bergamin I, Bernsmeier C, Clerc O, Deibel A, Eichler K, Friederich N, Sinnreich MF, Galiarducci E, Gavillet M, Meylan D, Müllhaupt B, Niederhauser C, Rufer N, Schindler E, Zürcher M. Hepatology. 2023 Dec 8. doi: 10.1097/HEP.0000000000000701. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC11095861/pdf/hep-79-1421.pdf

  • Neuropathies related to hepatitis E virus infection: A prospective, matched case-control study

    Ripellino P, Lascano AM, Scheidegger O, Schilg-Hafer L, Schreiner B, Tsouni P, Vicino A, Peyer AK, Humm AM, Décard BF, Pianezzi E, Zezza G, Sparasci D, Hundsberger T, Dietmann A, Jung H, Kuntzer T, Wilder-Smith E, Martinetti-Lucchini G, Petrini O, Fontana S, Gowland P, Niederhauser C, Gobbi C. Eur J Neurol. 2024 Eur J Neurol. 2024 Jan;31(1):e16030. doi: 10.1111/ene.16030

  • International review of blood donation nucleic acid amplification testing

    Faddy HM, Osiowy C, Custer B, Busch M, Stramer SL, Adesina O, van de Laar T, Tsoi WC, Styles C, Kiely P, Margaritis A, Kwon SY, Qiu Y, Deng X, Lewin A, Jørgensen SW, Erikstrup C, Juhl D, Sauleda S, Camacho Rodriguez BA, Coral LJCS, Gaviria García PA, Oota S, O'Brien SF, Wendel S, Castro E, Navarro Pérez L, Harvala H, Davison K, Reynolds C, Jarvis L, Grabarczyk P, Kopacz A, Łętowska M, O'Flaherty N, Young F, Williams P, Burke L, Chua SS, Muylaert A, Page I, Jones A, Niederhauser C, Vermeulen M, Laperche S, Gallian P, Sawadogo S, Satake M, Gharehbaghian A, Addas-Carvalho M, Blanco S, Gallego SV, Seltsam A, Weber-Schehl M, Al-Riyami AZ, Al Maamari K, Alawi FB, Pandey HC, Mbanya D, França RA, Charlewood R; Virology and Surveillance; Risk Assessment and Policy subgroups of the ISBT Working Party on Transfusion-transmitted Infectious Diseases.. Vox Sang. 2024 Feb 23. doi: 10.1111/vox.13592. Online ahead of print. PMID: 38390819

  • An international review of the characteristics of viral nucleic acid-amplification testing (NAT) reveals a trend towards the use of smaller pool sizes and individual donation NAT

    Faddy HM, Osiowy C, Custer B, Busch M, Stramer SL, Dean MM, Acutt J, Viennet E, van de Laar T, Tsoi WC, Styles C, Kiely P, Margaritis A, Kwon SY, Qiu Y, Deng X, Lewin A, Jørgensen SW, Erikstrup C, Juhl D, Sauleda S, Camacho Rodriguez BA, Soto Coral LJC, Gaviria García PA, Oota S, O'Brien SF, Wendel S, Castro E, Navarro Pérez L, Harvala H, Davison K, Reynolds C, Jarvis L, Grabarczyk P, Kopacz A, Łętowska M, O'Flaherty N, Young F, Williams P, Burke L, Chua SS, Muylaert A, Page I, Jones A, Niederhauser C, Vermeulen M, Laperche S, Gallian P, Satake M, Addas-Carvalho M, Blanco S, Gallego SV, Seltsam A, Weber-Schehl M, Al-Riyami AZ, Al Maamari K, Alawi FB, Pandey HC, França RA, Charlewood R; Virology and Surveillance, Risk Assessment and Policy subgroups of the ISBT WP‐TTID.Vox Sang. 2024 Mar 22. doi: 10.1111/vox.13617.

  • Prevalence of Acute Hepatitis E Virus Infections in Swiss Blood Donors 2018–2020

    Niederhauser C, Gowland P, Widmer N, Amar EL Dusouqui S, Mattle-Greminger M, Gottschalk J and Frey BM. Prevalence of Acute Hepatitis E Virus Infections in Swiss Blood Donors 2018–2020. Viruses 2024, 16, 744. doi: 10.3390/v16050744.

  • Do quantitative levels of antispike-IgG antibodies aid in predicting protection from SARS-CoV-2 infection? Results from a longitudinal study in a police cohort

    Sendi P, Widmer N, Branca M, Thierstein M, Büchi AE, Güntensperger D, Blum MR, Baldan R, Tinguely C, Heg D, Theel ES, Berbari E, Tande AJ, Endimiani A, Gowland P, Niederhauser C; PoliCOV-19 study. J Med Virol. 2023 Jul;95(7):e28904. doi: 10.1002/jmv.28904

  • Prevalence of anti-tick-borne encephalitis virus (TBEV) antibodies in Swiss blood donors in 2014-2015

    Ackermann-Gäumann R, Eyer C, Vock M, Gowland P, Tinguely C, Leib SL, Bori M, Buser A, Fontana S, Thierbach J, Weingand T, Niederhauser C. Blood Transfus. 2023 Mar;21(2):100-109. doi: 10.2450/2022.0099-22. 

  • Epidemiology of HEV Infection in Blood Donors in Southern Switzerland

    Fontana S, Ripellino P, Niederhauser C, Widmer N, Gowland P, Petrini O, Aprile M, Merlani G and Bihl F. Epidemiology of HEV Infection in Blood Donors in Southern Switzerland. Microorganisms 2023, 11, 2375. 
    doi: 10.3390/microorganisms11102375