This website has been designed on behalf of Interregional Blood Transfusion SRC (IRB). All rights are reserved by the IRB. Content of any kind may only be copied and distributed with the consent of IRB.
Interregionale Blutspende SRK AG
Murtenstrasse 133
3008 Bern
T 031 384 23 23
Concept and design: GmbH & Co. KG, Emsdetten (D)
Realisation & programming of the website: GmbH & Co. KG, Emsdetten (D)
Realisation & programming of appointment booking: GmbH & Co. KG, Emsdetten (D)
Realisation & programming of online orders for research and industry products (PFI): GmbH & Co. KG, Emsdetten (D)
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The information is the property of Interregional Blood Transfusion SRC. It constitutes the latest information at the time of publication. Warranty and liability for the information and data provided being up-to-date, correct and complete are excluded. This also applies to all other websites referred to with a hyperlink.
Interregional Blood Transfusion SRC is also not responsible for the content of such sites. The information on the websites does not in any way represent a legal assurance. Interregional Blood Transfusion SRC reserves the right to change or add to the provided information or data as required. No legal claims can be derived from the subject matters described here. All offers are non-binding in every respect.
The content of Interregional Blood Transfusion SRC is copyright-protected. The content must not be reproduced and/or published, either in whole or in part, or saved in an information system without the prior written approval of the copyright owner.
© 2024 Interregional Blood Transfusion SRC, Bern, Switzerland